
Cougars Spotted near Cuesta College

Cuesta College is reporting the spotting of three of its school mascot animals — cougars — over the past few weeks.

Two mountain lion sightings have been reported at the Hwy 1 Campus over the past three weeks.

According to the Cuesta Police Department, at about 9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 17 a pair of mountain lion cubs was sighted “near the college’s maintenance yard, located along the southwest border of campus near the O’Connor Road entrance.”

Another cougar, perhaps momma, was previously spotted in the same area on the evening of Monday, Aug. 3, the school said in a news release.

The sightings have the campus cops a little worried.

“We are asking Cuesta College students and personnel to be very vigilant and aware of their surroundings while on campus, especially in the evenings,” CCPD Chief Joseph Arteaga said. [pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”#6B8E23″ class=”” size=””]“We are recommending that when parking on campus, to avoid roadway perimeters and instead park in the inner area of the parking lots.”[/pullquote]

Should readers encounter a mountain lion — whether at Cuesta or a local State Park — do not turn and run, as you will not outrun a puma and running away makes you look lie prey.

Instead, face the beast and make yourself as large as possible and yell like the dickens.

Another effective tool is a whistle, which can be hung on a key ring, can be blown much louder than a person can yell, and is also an internationally recognized distress call.

Cuesta PD is asking that all mountain lion sightings on campus be reported immediately to the Campus Safety Office at (805) 546-3205.
