Category Archives: Betsey Nash

They Dance, I Don’t

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By Betsey Nash, SPHR

It’s hard to be a public figure, even a little one. When I had a radio talk show in the late 1980s I would be recognized by my voice a couple of times a week.
The ego loves it, to a point. Said point was it happened often while I was in line at the market on a weekend, scruffy as heck, no make-up, about as far from the articulate, outgoing radio persona as I could get. I just knew someone wanted to say, after meeting me, “Oh, now I see why you’re in radio.” Continue reading They Dance, I Don’t

Slap Consulting and Injured Workers

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By Betsey Nash, SPHR

No, I’m not kidding — there is a consulting group out there named “Slap.” I thought maybe someone had noticed that the longer I am in this business, the shorter my patience, and sent me a funny email, but no.
At a recent Sexual Harassment and Abuse in the Workplace Prevention training for supervisors, I warned that slapping an employee was not a viable strategy, and then last week I got this email touting a webinar about the importance of developing a strong corporate culture delivered by the Slap Consulting Group. I hope they sell T-shirts.
Please do not slap your employees. (Just getting the record straight in case I run for office someday.) Continue reading Slap Consulting and Injured Workers

Upcoming HR Rules Blipping on the Radar

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By Betsey Nash, SPHR

When hiring or promoting a department head at Home Depot, I was careful to explain that their salary was based on an expectation of their putting in about 55 hours a week.
This wasn’t a 40-hour-a-week job and they were paid accordingly. Not long after I left, the company settled a class action lawsuit brought by assistant managers and department heads who claimed, and from my experience rightly so, that they were spending more of those hours on regular employee tasks than on management duties. Continue reading Upcoming HR Rules Blipping on the Radar

What’s Going On in the Wonderful World of HR?

Betsey Nash bubble portraitOnly Human
By Betsey Nash, SPHR

Five years ago, when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was implemented, Connie Framberger and I made a detailed, informative and entertaining presentation to the Human Resources Association of the Central Coast (HRCC), and I think we pulled it off gracefully.
I proudly use the term “gracefully,” because my friend of 35 years, a recognized leader in employee insurance benefits coverage and an ACA certified provider, and I do not exactly see eye-to-eye on the subject. Continue reading What’s Going On in the Wonderful World of HR?

Here We Go Again

Betsey Nash bubble portraitOnly Human
By Betsey Nash, SPHR

Here we go again! It is an odd-numbered year, so I am getting my panties all in a knot.
Happens every two years, when I conduct “Sexual Harassment Prevention Training” for supervisors in businesses with more than 50 employees. Part of my preparation is researching the newest, best examples, of harassment that I can find.
Esoteric, theoretical stories are not nearly as effective as the real ones I can find. This year I could have waded through the 89,000 discrimination cases in 2014, and that’s just what was filed at the federal level; the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
I am sure I would have found hours of fun going through the cases filed at the State’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
I said “fun,” but I was lying. This time every two years the fly on my office wall puts on his itsy-bitsy Bose headphones, so as to drown out my cries of  “Moron!” and “Are you #^&*! kidding me!?!” And endless verses of “When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?” Continue reading Here We Go Again