Elks Donate to Jail Sewing Program

COMM Elks donate

The San Luis Obispo Elks Lodge recently donated $1,000 to the Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation in support of the Women’s Honor Farm’s sewing program.

The money will be used to purchase supplies to continue with the production of Afghans and lap blankets for military veterans in treatment at area VA facilities. With a goal to make 30, the women inmates in the County Honor Farm ended up making more than 100. Each one was handmade by the inmates.

The program “gives a sense of worth to the inmates and a sense of security and warmth to the veterans.”

In the photo with the big check from left to right are: Senior Correctional Dep. Lisa Piotrowski, Honor Farm inmate Jan Raehn, Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation Chairman Sam Scarbrough, SLO Elks Exalted Ruler Teresa Lara and Elks National Foundation Chairwoman Vivian Boaz. And Sheriff Ian Parkinson scored a blanket of his favorite football team, the 49ers.