Meditation a Useful Tool at the Office

meditateBottom Line
By Michael Gunther ~

Every month, our team gets together for team-building activities, which includes anything from happy hours to educational seminars.

The goal of these activities is to build our bond through socializing and learning together as a team. These experiences continue to enrich our lives and solidify our working relationships.

This was definitely the case when our team member, Rachell, scheduled a 2-hour session with Lynn Bacigalupo, owner of Meditate with Mandalas.

Have you ever attempted the practice of meditation? It has been over a decade since I participated in a formal, guided meditation exercise program, and never in a work setting.

Meditation can take many forms, and Lynn educated us on the various types and philosophies she has learned. She also cited numerous studies and articles (including “How Meditation Benefits CEOs” in Harvard Business Review) on the power of meditation in improving performance and creativity in the workplace.

After our educational overview, Lynn had us sit on the floor in comfortable positions while she guided us on our voyage of becoming mindful of the moment and ourselves.

As I drifted from following her vocal instructions into a semi-dream state, my stress faded away. I journeyed into a conscious awareness of the obstacles that may be preventing me from achieving my goal of becoming a stronger public speaker.

Before I knew it, she was directing us to consciously rejoin the group. Where did the last 30 minutes go? It seemed like time was simultaneously slow and fast.

As we discussed our experiences and the new perspectives we gained through this process, I realized that not only was I relaxed, but I also gained a new view on my personal struggle with confidence.

I realized how this insight was impacting areas in both my personal and professional life.

As my team shared their assessments of their personal journeys, the depth and breadth of their insights were as diverse as they are. For some, this was their first time practicing meditation, and for others it was an opportunity to explore how to bring calmness to our increasingly frenzied world.

What was more interesting for me was our team discussion the next day. My team noted an increase in energy and focus following the event, as well as a heightened awareness of the importance of mindfulness.

I felt that I had a new path for my own development, and realized the value of meditation in my life again. We are exploring how to bring Lynn back for weekly meditation sessions based on the value we gained from just one.

We believe that the “wellness” aspects of this activity will allow us to perform better as individuals and as a team. Bringing this balance into our hectic week is surely going to have a positive impact for our clients as well.

Bottom Line
When you practice meditation, your team will reap the benefits of a calm and clear mind. This is an invaluable resource to reduce stress and increase creativity. Bring meditation into your workplace if you want your team to become more mindful and focused.

Michael gunther
Michael Gunther

This is another article in Michael Gunther’s series about his journey as a Collaborative Leader™. His entrepreneurial story focuses on building solid teams by improving engagement, developing leadership skills and growing businesses to reach their potential. To read previous articles, visit his blog at:
At the core of every engaged team within successful and impactful organizations is Collaborative Leadership. Collaboration Business Consulting is a team of highly skilled business professionals who are dedicated to assisting proactive individuals develop themselves as collaborative leaders. Bottom Line is a regular feature of Tolosa Press.