Tag Archives: gymnazo

A Different Workout at Gymnazo

gym-photo-33_280x187Story by Gareth Kelly
Photos courtesy of Gymnazo

You know the drill. You step on the scale and whoa! Where did those extra pounds come from? Next you climb out of the car and notice that knee pain for the third time this week. You’re not as young as you once were but you also know you’ve been slacking on working out lately but the thought of joining a gym just reminds you of that time a few years ago when you joined, went for a few classes but then life got in the way. Besides who has time to go to the gym?
But what if there was gym that was more focused towards you, with a more personal touch and work out routines that are customized to the realities of your daily life today. The Olympic team may be out of reach but getting out of the car without knee pain shouldn’t be. Continue reading A Different Workout at Gymnazo