Tsunami Brochures Available

tsunami-hazard-zoneThe Sheriff’s Task Force on Public Safety has new, “Tsunami Preparedness,” brochures available to SLO County residents who live in coastal communities and for visitors.
The brochure shows how tsunamis are created, where tsunami hazard zones are located, and what steps to take if a tsunami strikes the coastline.
The brochures are available at Sheriff’s substations in Los Osos and Oceano, and the Morro Bay, Pismo and Grover Beach police departments, state parks facilities, fire departments and libraries.
San Luis Obispo County experienced a significant tsunami in March 2011, after a massive earthquake in Japan, which led to a large scale evacuation of the coastal areas of the county.
“It’s hoped,” Sheriff’s spokesman Tony Cipolla said, “these brochures will both inform and educate the public to be prepared for any type of tsunami event.”